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Leigh and Bransford Primary School

Together We Succeed

Our Early Help Offer

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Our Safeguarding Team

At Leigh & Bransford Primary School, we recognise the challenges that families face in bringing up children. There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case, our doors are always open for you to come and talk to us.


You can reach any of our safeguarding team by phoning the school on 01886 832 342, or via email on [email protected].


There are many ways in which we can help as outlined in this offer of early help. In order to support in the right way, we work with you to identify, what are you worried about, what is working well and what needs to happen. The information you share with us we will use to form a ‘family plan’, this will help us to easily identify what other agencies and professionals will be able to support you and your child appropriately.


Early Help is a pathway to supporting your child and you during challenging times.



LBPS Early Help Offer 2024

The Early Help Pathway