Uniform Information
Leigh School Uniform and Bransford Primary School
Our branded uniform is available from Kitz UK, Unit 3, Howsell Industrial Estate, Howsell Rd, Malvern/online at kitzuk.co.uk or Monkhouse, 14 - 16 Pump St, Cathedral Square, Worcester/ online at monkhouse.com
Book bags are also available from Kitz UK/Monkhouse.
The Friends also sell pre-owned uniform.
Daily Uniform
- White polo shirt with or without school badge
- A navy sweatshirt, with or without school badge
- A navy cardigan, with or without the school badge
- Grey trousers,shorts,skirts or culottes
- Blue gingham dress
- Plain white or grey socks
- Black school shoes (not boots)
- Navy blue book bags with or without school badge for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
PE / Outdoor Learning Uniform
- Navy PE shorts, jogging bottom or leggings (not black)
- White T-shirt, with or without the school logo
- Navy blue jogging bottoms
- Navy blue fleece top, school branded hoodie or regular school sweatshirt
- Plain, dark trainers (in line with school colours)
Uniform Rules
- The only jewellery permitted are simple studs earrings and a simple watch (no smart watches with communication abilities)
- Make-up of any kind is not permitted.
- Nail varnish is not permitted.
- Hair bands and hair accessories should be of a reasonable size and in line with school colours.
- Hair of shoulder length and longer is to be tied back for hygiene and health and safety reasons.
- Studded earrings should be removed or taped for PE lessons.
- Outdoor PE kit (leggings/jogging bottoms) to be worn on Forest School Days – not own clothes.
- All clothing items should be plain or school branded (no Nike, Adidas, etc)
- PE Hoodies are not to be worn in place of a school sweatshirt. They are to be worn on PE days only, or as an extra layer on top.
All clothing items should be clearly labelled with your child's name so that any lost property can be easily returned.